Simple Savage Fitness

Your journey to peak fitness, unstoppable energy, and mindset optimization starts right here.

Tailored to CEO's, Executives, and High Level Performers

Had enough of the comfort zone?

Sick of being the same damn size?

Not pushing yourself in life like you know you should?

Let me break it down for you. Accountability is the game-changer. What you measure is what you conquer. Welcome to my

Boss Blueprint: Peak Performance for Business Leaders, your one-way ticket to dominating your mind and body.

Here's how it works:

Along with our knowledge & experience, we have developed a system that will provide you the KNOWLEDGE, CUSTOMIZATION, GUIDANCE, AND SUPPORT to learn, progress, sustain, and thrive!

  • Crush Old Patterns

It's time to annihilate those weak habits. We're not just talking nutrition and workouts; we're talking about a complete overhaul of your damn lifestyle fundamentals.

  • Nutrition Mastery

I'll educate you on real nutrition – what your body craves, not what it thinks it wants. It's time to feed the machine right.

  • Habit Warriors

We're not just building habits; we're forging habits of steel. Let's reorganize that routine until it's a well-oiled machine, ready to crush whatever life throws at you.

  • Mindset Demolition

Old mindsets? They're gone. We're shifting into a new damn perspective. Get ready for a mental revolution that'll have you thinking like a warrior, not a victim.

  • Balanced Savage

Social events and your favorite foods? We're going to establish balance so you can enjoy the pleasures of life without sacrificing your goals.

  • Guilt and Shame? Crushed.

Say goodbye to that weakness. We're eliminating feelings of guilt and shame around food and your body. It's time to own your choices and walk with your head held high.

What you get:

A science backed method to deliver the body and life you want.

  • Custom program workouts that are specific for your body and your goals

  • Custom macros/nutrition

  • 1:1 Accountability (multiple check-ins)

  • Weekly personalized check in (Zoom)

  • 24/7 Messaging Access

  • Private tip messaging (on app)

  • Access to 20% off supplements

Meet your Coach!

My name is John Daniel,

and I have been a fitness fanatic for 15 years, and a coach for four.

Fitness has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. I remember blasting "8 mile" by Eminem when I was a kid while creating a workout routine that went with the lyrics, making up "fitness routines" games in my neighborhood with my friends and logging my nutrition as if I knew the difference between a doughnut and a carrot at that age. Not only that but I used to give my parents heart-attacks learning how to do tricks on my bike and falling on my head repeatedly...

Nevertheless, I have been into all things health & fitness for as long as I can remember and it is truly a part of who I am. I grew up playing just about every sport you can think of and always loved the feeling of pushing my mind and body to the limits. This ultimately took me to college pursuing an athletic career as a wrestler. After I graduated college, I became more interested in the science behind exercise and nutrition and decided to pursue a career as a fitness, nutrition and mindset specialist.

Outside of fitness, I am a lover of nature and the outdoors. In my free time, you can find me going on long walks, hiking, fishing, or tanning on the beach or lake. I am a big foodie and love trying new dishes at restaurants, especially steak houses! I recently got into cold plunging as well so we will see where that takes me...

Over the years, I have helped 100's of clients achieve their fitness, mindset and business goals. From weight loss to building muscle to training for athletic events or helping boost the revenue in their business through mind & body optimization. I believe that fitness is about more than just looking good - it's about feeling strong and confident in your own skin and living a healthy, active lifestyle and living life to your TRUE potential.

As your coach, my goal is to help you reach your own personal fitness goals, whatever they may be and to be the last coach that you EVER have to hire. I will work with you to create a customized workout, mind optimization and nutrition plan that fits your unique needs and preferences, and provide guidance on nutrition and lifestyle habits that can support your progress.

But don’t just take my word for it...

Real people real Results

Over 15lbs down - even with a crazy busy schedule!

Kerry has tried several diets in the past without success...

She convinced herself that losing weight was impossible, and nothing seemed to work…

But with our Boss Blueprint, not only did she shift and change her body composition, she also shed over 15lbs! And get this, she’s worked long shifts with no day off for over 2 weeks!

Our method renewed her metabolism and made it super easy for her to achieve her goals despite her busy lifestyle!

Kerry, Satisfied Client

"Before joining the Boss Blueprint program, I was a busy business owner drowning in the demands of my professional life. My health took a back seat, and it showed. That's when I connected with John, and it turned out to be a game-changer.

Under John's guidance, I not only shed 30 pounds but reclaimed my lost confidence and energy! The personalized nutrition and workouts, perfectly tailored to my hectic schedule, made all the difference.

What surprised me most was how this journey not only transformed my physique but also allowed me to prioritze time for my family.

Now, I'm not just a healthier version of myself; I'm a better, more present partner and parent. John didn't just help me achieve fitness goals; he empowered me to optimize my health and business simultaneously. Forever grateful for this transformative experience!"

Brad, Satisfied Client

"I think people who make radical changes are the ones who are honest with themselves. I became overweight for my height which was increasing the risk of health conditions.

To prevent that, I got fed up with my nonsense and reached out to John to help me step back into my fitness endeavor."

We crafted a plan that allowed Lydia to sculpt the physique she wanted which allowed her to step into her full potential as a parent and business owner!

Erika, Satisfied Client

"John helped me craft a workout regime custom to my goals and flexible with my demanding lifestyle as a business owner.

With long, demanding days I didn't have enough time in the day to research what the best plan of attack was to see the muscle that I knew I had underneath a layer of fat. Not only did this affect my confidence in my business and life, it also took a toll on my energy levels.

John crafted a program that allowed me to stay consistent with and sustain the physique that I knew was possible and step back into the high energy business owner I am!

I achieved real results when working with John and couldn't recommend him enough for anyone trying to get in the best shape of their life!"

Zac, Satisfied Client

"Ive tried every diet and none of them work!"

This is Erika! Right after her first 30 days with me!

Erika had tried everything in her power to lose weight and nothing worked...WHY? Because most of these diets and coaches don't pay attention to...YOU!

Your Hormones...

Your Metabolism...

and your lifestyle!

Once we crafted a workout and nutrition protocol specific to HER body and HER goals, that allowed Erika to start seeing the results she knew she was capable of! Erika is now pursuing more fitness goals off on her own and I am the last coach she ever has to hire because she's learned what is right for HER body!

Erika, Satisfied Client

One last thing...

Get your FREE Time Management Optimization Guide!

Boosted Productivity: Learn to prioritize tasks and maximize efficiency, so you can focus on high-impact activities.

Stress Reduction: Manage workloads effectively, reducing stress levels and fostering a more focused and calm mindset.

Strategic Decision-Making: Implement time optimization for effective decision-making, leading to a more successful and fulfilling professional & personal journey.


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